IVF Treatment in India
Hey Relax, it’s not as fearsome as it sounds, but it’s a roller-coaster experience on the way to hear your infant cry for the first time. IVF is none other than the biggest Boon for all those couples who have experienced a heart-broken phase in the path to achieving their baby through natural mode. In India, several couples are facing a prevalent issue – Infertility - unable to get pregnant, despite having unprotected sexual intercourse for one year.
There are countless cases of infertility disorder in India (from basic to advance), and so the treatments are. India is one of the famed and preferred destinations to undergo IVF treatment to attain pregnancy. The primary reason behind this is due to its highest IVF Success rate in India, and also this is the only one country, which offers IVF at marginal cost.
In the view of IVF treatment, multifarious families have been blessed with a child after years of making an effort to conceive, all thanks to In Vitro Fertilization Treatment (IVF). In India, the first human baby via this method was born on October 3, 1978, and since this date till now, many babies have been born from In Vitro Fertilization Treatment. With numerous ultra-modern advancements in the medical domain, India comes as the first country that puts forward matchless fertility treatment providing all the amenities to the patient.
What is In Vitro Fertilization Treatment in India?
In Vitro Fertilization is also popularly known as Test Tube Baby Treatment in India, which is a procedure that involves fertilization of a matured egg with the sperm, this procedure takes inside the fertility laboratory.
This process begins with ovary stimulation drugs; why stimulatory drugs? A female patient is required to be on regular fertility and stimulatory medications for few days (10-14 days); this, in turn, stimulates the patient’s ovary to grow follicles (fluid-filled sacs in women’s ovary that contain eggs).
Fertility specialist keeps an eye on the patient’s follicle development and how the ovaries are responding; the follicles are visualized with the assistance of transvaginal ultrasound and blood tests. Once the doctor gets confirmed about the fully-matured egg, the very next step is Egg Retrieval.

During the step of Egg Retrieval or Follicular Aspiration, eggs are collected from the patient's ovaries; this procedure is carried out under general anaesthesia and takes approx. 20-30 minutes. Usually, 8-15 eggs are picked up in this process.
The male partner is asked to submit his semen sample for the next procedure, i.e., Fertilization. Fertility specialist places the eggs and some sperm in a culture dish for natural fertilization (most motile and active sperm penetrates the egg’s wall and gets fertilized).
If the sperm successfully fertilizes the egg, soon it becomes an embryo. The specialists track down the embryos over 4-5 days and at the blastocysts stage, an embryo is transferred into the female’s uterus.
Embryo transfer in Test Tube Baby Process in India is an effortless procedure and hardly takes 5-7 minutes for the accomplishment. The embryo is placed in a catheter (a small tube), and this catheter is placed carefully through the patient’s cervix and into her uterus.
The final and most awaited day of the Test Tube Baby Process in India comes when a female has to go for the last blood test. A female after two weeks of her embryo transfer will have a blood test to know the level of hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin); this hormone indication in the female’s bloodstream means a positive pregnancy test.
The right time to consider Test Tube Baby Treatment in India
A couple may outline them In Vitro Fertilization Treatment for some reasons, which include if you or your partner has –
- Delayed or irregular menstruation cycle
- Problems associated with ovulation
- If you are facing with endometriosis
- PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)
- Blocked fallopian tubes
- Unexplained or Idiopathic infertility
- Any of the partners, if contains genetic disorder or chromosomal abnormalities and wish to avoid passing on their baby
- Low sperm count
- Less motility of the sperm
- Absence of the sperm (IVF-ICSI treatment with SSR)
How successful is IVF Treatment in India?
IVF Success Rate in India relies on the Age of the Woman, the actual cause of infertility since how many years a couple is experiencing this issue, male partner’s sperm quality (motility and mobility), whether the couple is using self-eggs or donor eggs and embryo quality.
IVF Success Rate in India is higher in younger women; let’s be familiar with the success rate of IVF in India based on the women’s age –
- 55-65% for women who are under 35
- 45-50% for women who are in the age group of 35-37
- 40-45% for those who are in between 37-40
It has been proved that the success rate of IVF also increases when a couple goes for frozen cycles (frozen embryo) as opposed to fresh embryos. Frozen embryos during Test Tube Baby Process in India tend to have a higher IVF success rate in India, thus results in higher chances of achieving pregnancy.
IVF Success rate in India is also measured in different parameters, such as –
- The success rate of the center
- Delivery rate through ART techniques
- Since how many years, the fertility center is running at its peak
- Specialist’s experience
- Implantation rate, percentage of taking the new-born home, etc.
Femicure is one of the fastest emerging and developing Fertility Healthcare Platforms, where the miracle happens daily. We guarantee a couple to get full support for receiving, during and after the treatment. From the most proficient and dexterous specialists to Best IVF Centers/clinics/hospitals in India.
What is the Cost of IVF Treatment in India?
Those who are planning for their Test Tube Baby Treatment in India need not be finger crossed as the cost of IVF in India is far reasonable compared to other western counterparts. Undeniably, IVF is not in thousands range, but it’s not that expensive as well. The actual cost of IVF treatment in India varies based on the infertility issue of the couple.
Depending upon the patient’s infertility case, appropriate treatment is suggested, and the cost would differ accordingly. Take an instance, if a couple has successfully crossed all the stages of Test Tube Baby Process in India then no need of taking any third party assistance (such as embryo donor, sperm donor, egg donor etc.) to fulfill the procedure, hence a couple will have to pay the amount of fertility medication costs and the charges of each step, No additional charges of donors and so.

However, if a couple’s IVF is accomplished using donor’s egg, donor sperm or using any advanced technique (such as In Vitro Fertilization Treatment with PGD, with LAH, PICSI, etc.), then the couple has to pay extra for it.