Dr. Rohit Chauhan

Dr. Rohit Chauhan
7 Years Experience
Nerwa, Nerwa
About Dr. Rohit Chauhan
Dr. Rohit Chauhan is a practicing Dentist with an experience of 7 years. He is located in Nerwa.Dr. Rohit Chauhan practices at the Chauhan Dental Clinic in Nerwa. The Chauhan Dental Clinic is situated at Chauhan Dental Clinic, New Bus Stand, Nerwa. He pursued his BDS in the year 2012 from MN DAV Dental College, Solan, HP.Dr. Rohit Chauhan is an experienced, skilled and awarded doctor in his field of specialization. He worked at Chauhan Dental Clinic from 2015 to 2019.
Clinic Address
Near govt. Senior Secondary School Parking area, Nerwa, Himachal Pradesh - 171210Dr. Rohit Chauhan Clinics

Chauhan Dental Clinic
Established in the year 2015, Chauhan Dental Clinic in Nerwa, Shimla is a top player in the category Dentists in the Shimla.
Root Canal Treatments
Dental Examinations
Cosmetic/ Aesthetic Dentistry
Root Canal Treatment
Teeth Whitening
Establishment year:
Year in 2015
Nerwa, Nerwa